FREE Produce for ANYONE at The Carnegie Center of Columbia Tusculum
The Carnegie Center of Columbia Tusculum will be hosting an OUTDOOR Produce Pop-UP provided by the Freestore Foodbank on
December 12, 2020 from 1:30-4:00pm
January 23, 11am-2pm
February 13, 11am-2pm
March 13, 11am-2pm
The current pandemic has had far reaching affects on the financial stability of many families across economic boundaries. Therefore there are no financial prerequisites to receive free produce. Please spread the word to your neighbors.
If you or someone you know is in need of free produce but cannot attend in person, email us so we can drop a box of produce off:
We are in need of volunteers to help set-up, serve clients. Volunteers are required to wear a mask.
Sign up to volunteer here: